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Our Story

"We started as business owners looking for better solutions"

The founder of PMS Accounting entered the public bookkeeping/accounting services business with 17 years of previous business ownership and management experience in 1992. A need was recognized that many small businesses could not afford a full charge bookkeeper or accountant, or the ability to perform basic correspondence, business startup procedures, branding or basic business reporting and functions paralyzing their ability to grow with the resources available to them. Formed as a diversified clerical service which included, bookkeeping, accounting, small business tax preparation, clerical and office support, the business continued to grow to over 150 diversified full time clients, many of which we can proudly say, we helped grow their business.


As more small businesses emerged into the marketplace, the accounting software developed, along with specialty payroll services, but not to the degree necessary to truly relieve many businesses of cumbersome tasks associated with their bookkeeping and accounting requirements. Businesses have been forced to use bits and pieces of many products to perform pre-determined tasks, but often times still missing the mark and cost prohibitive, while still lacking automation of repetitive tasks to enable better productivity.


In 2008, we decided to close shop and dedicate more time to program development. Our theory being, who better to develop accounting, bookkeeping, and business management software, than bookkeepers, accountant’s and business owners with a very diverse portfolio of business experience? While we were innovating and creating, we continued to stay connected to many of our previous clients and began to provide custom program services which have been in-demand ever since. Our diversity of business client's introduced us to the many faces of business, as well as strengths and weaknesses, appreciating average employee skill levels, and the most common challenges users face.


The simple truth is, no two businesses operate the same, each have their unique processes that work for them. Pre-made software does not appreciate this fact, so software has controlled the user, rather then the user controlling their software, and we know you can have your cake and eat it too. We like cake too!

If our software requires extensive training, then we didn't build it right!

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